꿈 깰 교, to wake up from sleep; conscious (20)
깨달을 각
覺書 각서 note
覺醒 각성 awakening
覺悟 각오 determination, resolve
感覺 감각 sensation
感覺的 감각적인 sensuous
味覺 미각 palate
味覺 미각 taste
視覺 시각 vision
知覺 지각 perception
錯覺 착각 hallucination, illusion, mistake a for b
錯覺- 착각하다 to mistake a for b, illusion, delusion, to be having illucinations (conjugate verb)
聽覺 청각 (sense of) hearing
觸覺 촉각 sense of touch
幻覺 환각 hallucination
嗅覺 후각 (sense of) smell