과정 과, section, department, science (9)
a course or branch of study; a department or a faculty
科擧 과거 the state examination
科目 과목 a subject or a lesson
科學 과학 science
科學者 과학자 scientist
科學的 과학적인 scientific
敎科書 교과서 textbook
內科 내과 internal medicine
産婦人科 산부인과 obstetrics and gynecology
小兒科 소아과 pediatrics
眼科 안과 ophthalmology
外科 외과 surgery
外科 외과 surgery, external medicine
前科 전과 previous conviction
精神科 정신과 psychiatry
齒科 치과 a dentist
學科 학과 department (college, university)