마땅할 당, bear, accept, undertake; just (13)
擔當 담당 charge
擔當者 담당자 person in charge
當分間 당분간 for the present, for now, for a while
當時 당시 at that time
當身 당신 you (formal)
當然- 당연하다 be natural; "of course!" (conjugate verb)
當然- 당연히 of course
當日 당일 the very day
當場 당장 on the spot, immediately
當- 당하다 to have, to encounter (conjugate verb)
當惑 당혹 embarrassment
不當 부당하다 to be unfair (conjugate verb)
相當 상당 respectable, considerable, suitable
相當數 상당수 plenty, a lot of, a considerable number
相當- 상당하다 be proper, suitable (conjugate verb)
相當- 상당히 fairly, considerably
抵當 저당 mortgage
適當 적당 suitability
正當 정당 right
充當 충당 appropriation
割當 할당 allotment
割當 할당 assignment
該當 해당 to be relevent, applicable (to), fall under
該當- 해당되다 to be applied, applicable under
該當層 해당층 corresponding floor, story, which floor or story something is on (in a multiple floor building)
該當- 해당하다 to be applied, applicable under (conjugate verb)