어미 모, mother; female elders; female (5)
姑母 고모 a paternal aunt
姑母夫 고모부 the husband of one's paternal aunt
公分母 공분모 common denominator
代母 대모 godmother
母國語 모국어 mother tongue
母艦 모함 mother ship
伯母 백모 aunt
父母 부모 parents
父母- 부모님 parents
分母 분모 denominator
師母- 사모님 Madam
媤父母 시부모 parents-in-law, one's husband's parents
雲母 운모 mica
乳母車 유모차 stroller, baby carriage
姨母 이모 a maternal aunt
丈母 장모 a man's mother-in-law
丈母- 장모님 a man's mother in law
祖母 조모 grandmother
學父母 학부모 students' parents
賢母良妻 현모양처 a good mother and a good wife
酵母 효모 leaven
酵母 효모 yeast