처음 초, beginning, initial, primary (7)
-初 애초 the first, the beginning
beginning (of), early, initial
初期 초기 the early days, the initial period
初代 초대 first, founder
初等學校 초등학교 elementary school
初等學生 초등학생 an elementary school student
初盤 초반 early phase, early stage
初犯 초범자 first offender
初步 초보 novice, newbie, beginner
初步者 초보자 newbie, beginner, neophyte
初旬 초순 the first third of a month
初心者 초심자 beginner
初- 초여름 early summer
初- 초저녁 early in the evening
初版 초판 first edition
最初 최초 first
最初 최초 outset